I am just trying out the demo and I was just wondering if it is possible to use existing Unreal projects to stage shots in, like levels downloaded from the market place or previously created ones?
If it is possible what would be the work flow to achieve that?
Since existing Unreal project has been modified folder structure for PiStage shot, let's copy content into PiStage project.
1. Show in Explorer for your PiStage project. In case, it's PiStageProject in content path E:\PiSquare\Content\Content2018\ .
2. There is a folder named Imported_Content in ...\PiStageProject\Content\. It is the same folder shared assets from previous unreal project.
3. Copy the folder ...\Content\Imported_Content\SunTemple from previous unreal project into the folder...\PiStageProject\Content\Imported_Content .
4. Now shots of PiStageProject can access levels and assets in ...\PiStageProject\Content\Imported_Content\SunTemple . Let's check out a shot of PiStageProject in PiManager, then execute Open UE.
5. You can see the same folder structure ...\Content\Imported_Content\SunTemple in content browser of this shot.
6. Currently PiStage shot/level has been loaded in unreal editor, then open the Levels tab to merge existing SunTemple level in ...\Content\Imported_Content\SunTemple\Maps\.
7. The SunTemple level would be streamed into PiStage shot/level.
8. In Levels tab, right-click SunTemple to change streaming method from Blueprint to Always Loaded. It makes SunTemple display in PiView for PiStage shot/level.
Save All before closing Unreal editor.
9. Let's get back to Maya and launch PiView for this shot. You can see the streaming level SunTemple in PiView.